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EMAC 2023 Annual

Conceptualizing transgression in marketing : a hybridized review and a research agenda for an ontological renewal in seeking alternatives to hegemonies

Published: May 24, 2023


Alicia LEFRANCOIS, CRIISEA - IAE Amiens, Université de Picardie Jules Verne; Sophie Changeur, IAE AMIENS; Sophie Balech, CRIISEA - IAE Amiens, Université de Picardie Jules Verne


Despite the term “transgression” being widely used throughout the marketing literature, its concept remains under used and has not been entirely defined. Based on 782 research articles in marketing, we use NLP techniques and the CTC approach to understand how “transgression” has been used in order to propose its conceptualization. We define transgression in marketing and offer an integrative framework articulating the concepts with which transgression is often mistaken (e.g. deviance) as well as other concepts working along transgression. Conceptualizing transgression in marketing stands for an ontological renewal aiming to the search for alternatives to hegemonies. Transgression’s integrative framework works as a tool for businesses seeking an alternative reading of social concerns through a better understanding of consumers, practices and consumptions that go beyond the norms. We propose research avenues to deepen our understanding of the ways transgression may be used in marketing.